HM the King Delivers Speech to Nation on Throne Day (Full text)

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His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, delivered, on Saturday, a speech to His faithful people on the occasion of the 24th anniversary of the Sovereign’s accession to the throne of His glorious ancestors.

Here follows the full text of the Royal speech:

« Praise be to God,

May peace and blessings be upon the Prophet, His Kith and Kin

Dear Citizens,

Almighty God has blessed our country with permanent interaction and spontaneous cohesion between the Throne and the people.

This has enabled Morocco to build a Nation-State, which is steeped in history.

I praise the Almighty for the help He has granted me and the success He has bestowed upon me, thus making it possible for us to make a great many achievements, and face up to difficulties and challenges.

Moroccans are known, by the Grace of the Almighty, for their honesty and optimism, for their tolerance and openness, and for the pride they take in their time-honored customs and their unified national identity.

And they are known, in particular, for their seriousness and dedication to work.

Today, as our development trajectory reaches a new stage of maturity, we need that seriousness to move on to a different level and open up new horizons with respect to the major reforms and large-scale projects Moroccans deserve.

Dear Citizens,

What I am calling for is not an empty slogan, nor is it a mere pronouncement to be taken at face value. Rather, it is an integrated concept rooted in a set of practical principles and human values.

The more we commit to seriousness, the more successful we shall be in overcoming difficulties and rising to challenges.

Whenever the conditions are right, and each time they commit to seriousness and to the spirit of patriotism, Moroccan youth always manage to dazzle the world with great, unprecedented accomplishments, and the feat of our national football team in the last World Cup is a case in point.

As acknowledged, both in Morocco and around the world, our sons provided some of the best illustrations of patriotism and unity, as well as family and community cohesion. They made me and the entire Moroccan people proud.

That same spirit guided my decision to make a joint bid with our friends, Spain and Portugal, to host the 2030 World Cup Finals, which I hope will be an historic event at all levels.

This is an unprecedented candidacy which brings together two continents – Africa and Europe – as well as two civilizations; a candidacy which unites the two shores of the Mediterranean and reflects the ambitions and aspirations of the peoples of the region for further cooperation, interaction and understanding.

Seriousness is also reflected by the creativity and innovation shown by Moroccan youth in various fields.

In this regard, I wish to commend, in particular, the manufacturing of the first Moroccan-made, locally produced and financed car, as well as the presentation of the first hydrogen-powered car prototype developed by a young Moroccan.

These projects attest to Moroccan genius and to the confidence in the energy and capabilities of our youth. Such achievements encourage our youth to work harder and be innovative. They also promote the « Made in Morocco » brand and strengthen our country’s position as a hub for productive investment.

Seriousness also manifests itself in the way we deal with the question of our territorial integrity.

It is that seriousness, coupled with the legitimacy of our cause, which led to a series of decisions to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over its southern provinces – the latest being that of the State of Israel – as well as to open consulates in Laayun and Dakhla, not to mention the growing support for the Autonomy Initiative.

In keeping with the same sense of seriousness and resolve, I reaffirm Morocco’s unwavering position regarding the just cause of Palestine and the legitimate right of our Palestinian brothers and sisters to set up their independent State, with East Jerusalem as its capital, and to make sure all peoples in the region enjoy security and stability.

Seriousness must remain our guiding beacon, in life as in work, and it should prevail in all sectors:

Seriousness in political, administrative and judicial affairs by serving the citizen, selecting qualified people, making sure the best interests of the nation and the citizens are prioritized, and rising above narrow considerations.

Seriousness should also prevail in the social field, especially in the areas of health, education, employment and housing.

The seriousness I am advocating also concerns economic stakeholders, as well as the investment, production and business sectors.

As the pillar of a full-fledged system, seriousness requires that managers and public office holders be held to account, and that the principles of good governance, hard work, merit and equal opportunity be upheld.

Dear Citizens,

The repercussions of the current global crisis, coupled with the successive droughts our country has faced, have contributed to an increase in the cost of living and a slowdown in economic growth.

Therefore, I have instructed the government to take the necessary measures to mitigate the negative effects of the current situation on the social segments and sectors that are most affected, and to make sure basic products are available on the market.

With the emergence, today, of some signs of a gradual easing of inflationary pressures at the global level, we are in great need of seriousness and confidence. We must also make the most of new opportunities to enhance the resilience of our economy and promote recovery.

With that in mind, I have launched the OCP Group green investment project and accelerated the implementation of the renewable energy agenda.

Following the meeting I chaired in this regard, the government prepared the « Morocco Offer » project in the field of green hydrogen.

I invite the government to speed up the implementation of this project, to make sure the requirements of quality are observed, to leverage our country’s significant potential in this regard, and to meet the expectations of leading global investors in this promising field.

To complete the implementation of the social protection project, I expect the payment of social benefits to the families concerned to start at the end of this year, as planned.

I hope this direct income will contribute to improving the living conditions of millions of families and children, whose suffering I am sensitive to.

God willing, this measure will be a key component of our development and social model to preserve the dignity of our citizens.

As regards water resource management – a sector requiring greater commitment and vigilance – I have made sure a national water program for the period 2020-2027 is developed.

I call for strict monitoring of all implementation stages and stress that there will be zero tolerance for any form of mismanagement, or chaotic, irresponsible use of water resources.

Dear Citizens,

Given the disruptions affecting the global value system and frame of reference, and considering the repercussions of a number of overlapping crises, we really need to commit to seriousness in the original Moroccan acceptation of the term:

• Firstly: by adhering to religious and national values, and to our everlasting motto: God – the Homeland – the King;

• Secondly: by remaining steadfastly attached to our country’s national unity and territorial integrity;

• Thirdly: by preserving social and family bonds, which are conducive to a cohesive, solidarity-based society;

• Fourthly: by pressing ahead with our development agenda to achieve economic advancement and promote justice at social and territorial levels.

Dear Citizens,

My endeavors to serve the Moroccan people are not limited to domestic issues only. I am also keen to establish solid relations with sister nations and friendly countries, particularly our neighbors.

In recent months, many people have been wondering about Moroccan-Algerian relations. They are stable, and we look forward to seeing them improve.

In this regard, I should like to tell the leaders and people of our sister nation, Algeria, that no evil will ever be done to them, nor will any harm ever come to them from Morocco. I want them to know that we attach special importance to the bonds of affection, friendship, exchange and interaction between our peoples.

I pray to Almighty God for things to return to normality, and for the opening of borders between the two neighboring, sister countries and peoples.


Dear Citizens,

I should like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation and pay tribute to all components of the Royal Armed Forces, the National Security Forces, the Royal Gendarmerie, the Auxiliary Forces and the Emergency Services for their constant mobilization, under my leadership, to defend our homeland’s unity, security and stability.

I also pray to Almighty God for mercy and forgiveness for the nation’s righteous martyrs, particularly my revered grandfather, His late Majesty King Mohammed V, and my venerable father, His late Majesty King Hassan II – may they rest in peace.

There is no better way to conclude my address than with these words of the Almighty:

“As for those who believe and do good, We certainly never deny the reward of those who are best in deeds.” True is the Word of God.

Wassalamu alaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh. »


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