
Asma Lamnawar Graces Times Square Screens in Global Spotify Tribute

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Global platform “Spotify” has decided to honor Moroccan artist Asma Lamnawar in its own unique way, celebrating her artistic journey and her significant contribution to the Arab music scene. This recognition comes just a few weeks after she was chosen to represent Morocco as an ambassador for the “EQUAL Arabia” program for the current month of August.

The music-focused platform “Spotify” showcased an image of artist Asma Lamnawar on one of the giant advertising screens at the famous “Times Square” in New York City, USA.

Lamnawar expressed her delight at this honor, which also received a significant response from her fans and social media platforms. This recognition is especially noteworthy as she represents Arab female artists within a global program that aims to encourage and support women.

The music program “Equal Arabia,”launched in March 2022, seeks to celebrate a group of female creators on the “Spotify” platform, highlighting their artistic works. It also provides opportunities for them to increase their fame and achieve the recognition they deserve both regionally and globally.

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