
Earthquake: Government Decides to Deduct 3 Days from Salaries of Civil Servants in Grades 9 and Above, Spread over 3 Months

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The government decided, on Thursday, to deduct 3 working days, spread over three months, from the salaries of civil servants and employees of the State and local authorities and employees of public establishments and enterprises, classified at scales 9 and above or their equivalents, as a contribution to the national solidarity effort to cope with the effects of the earthquake of Friday, September 8.

This contribution of civil servants and employees of the State and local authorities, as well as employees of public establishments, will be spread over three months, i.e. the salary for one working day deducted from the months of September, October and November, withheld from the net salary after deduction of income tax and deductions relating to pension and health insurance contributions, according to a statement issued by the government spokesman following the meeting of the Government Council.

The government has also decided that ministers, delegate ministers, the two high commissioners, the delegate general and the interministerial delegate will contribute up to one month’s salary, deducted from the net salary after deduction of income tax and deductions relating to pension and mutual insurance contributions, added the statement, noting that this measure comes within the framework of adherence to this national solidarity drive and by virtue of article 40 of the Constitution.

This article stipulates that « everyone shall bear jointly and in proportion to their means, the burdens required for the development of the country, and those resulting from national calamities and natural disasters ».

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