
Earthquake Relief Fund: Contribution by Civil Servants to Be Optional, Voluntary

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The contribution by civil servants of one working day per month, over three months, to special fund for managing the effects of the earthquake that affected Morocco will be optional and voluntary, on the basis of a form serving as authorization to this effect, says the Head of Government’s Department.

The circular specifies that this measure will take effect upon completion of an authorization form specifically designated for this purpose and signed by the civil servant, agent or employee.

For civil servants and agents whose salaries are administered by the Personnel Expenditure Department of the Kingdom’s General Treasury, these contributions will be deducted by this Department.

In the case of civil servants and agents of local authorities, the tax collectors of the Kingdom’s General Treasury will be in charge of deducting the contributions, initiated by their presidents or authorizing officers.

For employees of public establishments and companies, the payroll departments of these entities will deduct the contributions.

These contributions will be transferred to account number 126, opened for this purpose in all Bank Al-Maghrib (central bank) branches.

Ministers, deputy ministers, the two high commissioners, the delegate general, and the interministerial delegate will contribute up to one month’s salary, which will be deducted from the net salary after income tax, pension, and mutual insurance contribution deductions, as mentioned in the circular.

This initiative, according to the same source, reflects the spirit of solidarity that the Moroccan people, with all its components, has expressed on numerous occasions. Various professional and trade union players have also mobilized to contribute to the national solidarity effort in response to this painful ordeal.

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