HM the King Offers Condolences to Bahrain’s Sovereign Over Soldiers’ Death

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HM King Mohammed VI has sent a message of condolences and sympathy to the King of Bahrain, HM Hamad Ben Issa Al Khalifa, following the death of two Bahraini soldiers while fulfilling their duty of Arab solidarity in defending the sovereignty of Yemen.

In this message, the Sovereign expresses to the King of Bahrain, and through him to the bereaved families and the brotherly Bahraini people, His deep condolences and His sincere feelings of solidarity and compassion, imploring the Almighty to surround the two martyrs with His infinite mercy, to welcome them into His vast paradise and to grant patience and comfort to their families, and speedy recovery to the injured.

HM the King reaffirms to the King of Bahrain that the Kingdom of Morocco always stands by the brotherly Kingdom of Bahrain, imploring the Almighty to preserve HM Hamad Ben Issa Al Khalifa and the Bahraini people and to grant them health, tranquility and long life.

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