
Bad Weather: Airport Operations Resume at Casablanca Mohammed V Airport

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Airport operations at Casablanca Mohammed V airport, impacted this Sunday by the strong windstorm that hit several regions of the Kingdom, were able to resume shortly before 3:00 pm, according to the National Airports Office (ONDA).

« The strong windstorm that hit several regions of our country this Sunday, October 22, 2023 has impacted the flow of traffic and the normal course of operations, particularly at Casablanca- Mohammed V and Tangier-Ibn Battouta airports. As a result, 9 flights were diverted from Casablanca airport to Marrakech and Fez, and 15 flights were blocked on departure from this airport », said ONDA in a statement.

Shortly before 3:00 pm, the situation calmed down and airport operations were able to resume, added the same source.

The ONDA applies specific procedures derived from national and international air transport regulations governing air traffic in situations of adverse weather conditions, the primary concern of which is passenger safety, the statement concluded.

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