
Interior Ministry Has Stepped up Efforts to Finalize Strategic Projects Linked to Generalization of Social Protection

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Pursuant to the High Directions of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the Ministry of the Interior has stepped up its efforts to finalize strategic projects linked to the generalization of social protection and digital transformation, said, on Thursday in Rabat, Interior Minister, Abdelouafi Laftit.

Laftit, who was presenting the Ministry of the Interior’s sectoral budget for fiscal 2024 before the House of Representatives’ Committee on the Interior, Local Authorities, Housing and Urban Policy, said that the current year was marked by the completion of the Unified Social Register (RSU) system and its nationwide rollout, noting that the number of registrations via the National Population Register (RNP) had reached over 13.6 million by the end of September 2023.

In parallel with the implementation of the RSU, the Ministry of the Interior has launched a new project to simplify and adapt the registration procedures adopted for all social programs, noted Laftit, adding that the number of beneficiaries of the compulsory health insurance scheme unable to pay contributions had reached almost 4.7 million by the end of September, who were enrolled through the new targeting procedure comprising RNP and RSU.

In the same vein, the Minister announced that the computer system for the direct assistance program for widows in precarious situations with orphaned children had been redesigned to be compatible with the new targeting system.

Laftit also affirmed that the modernization of civil status management had seen tangible development in all its components, noting that 872 civil status offices had been connected to the Ministry’s central computer network, bringing the total number of offices linked to this network to 2,311.

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