
Women’s Coordination for Comprehensive and In-depth Reform of Family Code Presents its Proposals to Body in Charge of Revising the Code

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 The body in charge of revising the Family Code held, on Thursday in Rabat, a meeting with the « women’s Coordination for a comprehensive and in-depth reform of the family Code « , which presented its proposals.

In a statement to the press, the coordinator of the institution, Aïcha Oulahyane, said that the proposals and vision of the Coordination, made up of several associations, were presented before the Body, based on its monitoring of the implementation of the Family Code for over 20 years.

The Coordination, she added, called for a fair and equitable Family Code, responding to all the challenges and adapted to the provisions of the Constitution and international conventions and treaties.

For her part, Ghizlane Benachir, a member of the coordination, said in a similar statement that the « Coordination » was created following the Royal Letter, in which HM King Mohammed VI calls for a revision of the Family Code, with a view to formulating proposals and thus contributing to the implementation of this reform.

The listening and hearing sessions held by the Body in charge of revising the family Code are part of the implementation of the broad participatory approach called for by HM King Mohammed VI, may God assist Him, in the Royal Letter addressed to the Head of Government.

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