
Lower House Unanimously Adopts Two Bills on Direct Social Assistance, Creation of National Social Assistance Agency

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The House of Representatives unanimously adopted, on Monday, bill no. 58.23 on the direct social assistance scheme, as well as bill no. 59.23 creating the National Social Assistance Agency.

Presenting the two bills, Minister Delegate for Relations with Parliament and Government Spokesman, Mustapha Baitas, emphasized that the texts « form part of an ambitious Royal project », and are based on a clear constitutional framework derived from the 2011 Constitution, which stipulates that building a cohesive society where all enjoy equal opportunities, respect for dignity and social justice is one of the foundations of the process of consolidating the institutions of a modern state.

He explained that these two projects are also part of the implementation of the Royal social protection Project and framework Law No. 09.21 on social protection, noting that this project is the outcome of a series of progressive reforms in policies, initiatives and structures since the accession of His Majesty King Mohammed VI to the throne of his glorious ancestors.

Baitas described the approval of these two projects as « a political and social turning point, given the nature of the issue linked to social assistance, the conditions and procedures for benefiting from it, and the public institution responsible for managing the process for benefiting from direct assistance ».

Referring to the issue of direct social assistance, the Minister emphasized that this is one of the major contracts establishing the nation-state.

« As a Royal project, it cannot be the subject of political alternation, ideological polarity or political jousting between the different sensibilities, » added Baitas.

He stressed that the State does not regard social issues as an economic burden, but rather as a lever for promoting social and human development, adding in this respect that « the government believes that the implementation of direct social assistance should not be affected by economic conditions, constraints that may face budget management or urgent commitments.

The Minister added that the creation of this direct aid solidarity mechanism will help improve development indicators linked to vital social sectors, in particular education and health.

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