
Social Protection : World Bank Highlights Morocco’s « Effective Response »

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The World Bank (WB) highlighted the « effective response » of public authorities in Morocco in terms of aid to vulnerable families during the health crisis.

In its latest « MENA Economic Update » released on Thursday, the Washington-based financial institution believes that the Kingdom « provides an example of an effective cash transfer policy response ».

« The Tadamon cash transfer program in Morocco greatly exceeded its initial target of informal worker households, covering almost 80% of its population with one of the highest scale-up rates from pre-COVID19 levels », the Bretton Woods organization’s report said.

In addition, the World Bank notes that only a third of developing MENA countries have higher vaccination rates than their income peers, led by Morocco among others, which has vaccinated more than 60% of its population.

In contrast, the report notes, countries such as Algeria have only vaccinated around 15% of their population.

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