
Akhannouch: Govt Focuses on Digital Transition in all Sectors and Public Institutions

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The government is focusing on the digital transition in all sectors and public institutions, based on its conviction that it constitutes a lever for economic and social development, the head of government, Aziz Akhannouch, said on Wednesday in Rabat.

In a press release issued at the end of the first meeting of the National Commission for Digital Development, Akhannouch stressed that the executive is convinced that the digital transition is helping to establish the Kingdom as a regional digital hub, in application of the High Royal Directives calling for accelerating the pace of digitalization in order to bridge the digital gap with advanced countries and benefit from the digital evolution the world is experiencing.

During the meeting, chaired by Akhannouch, the general guidelines for digital development, 2030 Digital Morocco, were presented, in line with the High Royal Vision calling for digital development to be put to good use, in particular by encouraging young Moroccans to develop Moroccan digital solutions that meet needs and contribute to creating job opportunities.

While outlining the Kingdom’s main achievements in the field of digitalization, as well as the participative approach used to draw up the guidelines in this area, which took the form of a series of regional consultative meetings with the various players in the digital sector, the Minister Delegate in charge of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, Ghita Mezzour, presented the major guidelines for digital development, the 2030 Digital Morocco, based on two pillars.

The first pillar concerns the digitization of public services, which aims to speed up the public services digitization while ensuring their quality, through a methodology centered around the user, whether citizen or company.

The second pillar focuses on injecting a new dynamic into the digital economy, with a view to developing Moroccan digital solutions and creating value and jobs. This pillar focuses on three main areas: developing the offshoring sector, building an ecosystem dedicated to developing businesses, and supporting the digitalization of small and medium-sized enterprises.  

This pillar is built around three essential foundations: digital talent, cloud computing, and  telephony and internet network coverage.

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