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HRH Princess Lalla Asmae, First Lady of Côte d’Ivoire Inaugurate in Rabat Hearing Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Centre

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Her Royal Highness Princess Lalla Asmae and the First Lady of Côte d’Ivoire, Dominique Ouattara, inaugurated, Wednesday in Rabat, the Lalla Asmae Foundation’s Hearing Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Centre.

After cutting the inaugural ribbon, Her Royal Highness and the First Lady of Côte d’Ivoire visited the Center and its various departments.

Thus, HRH Princess Lalla Asmae and Dominique Ouattara visited the reception room, the mother and child area, the pediatric consultation room, the ENT consultation room, the speech therapy room, the psychomotricity-psychology room, the infirmary, the audiometry room and the auditory evoked potentials room.

Afterwards, Her Royal Highness and the First Lady of Côte d’Ivoire were greeted by the members in charge of the « ‘l’Oreille Blanche » (White Ear) project at the Lalla Asmae Foundation, Vanessa Horrod (Lions International France), Raja Bourhim (Lions International Morocco) and Imane Bendouro (Lions International Morocco).

HRH Princess Lalla Asmae and Dominique Ouattara followed, on this occasion, a presentation on the concept of « White Ear », designed to make the hearing impaired more visible, before proceeding to bestow pins on two deaf girls.

Her Royal Highness and the First Lady of Côte d’Ivoire were then greeted by Juan Carlos Rodriguez, Acting USAID Mission Director at the US Embassy in Morocco, Clara Maria Doolin Paredes, Deputy Director of Education, Gender and Youth at Dev Tech Systems, Youssef Brittel, Advisor to the Minister of Youth, Culture and Communication, and Nouzha Boubekri, Media Advisor at the Lalla Asmae Foundation.

At the end of the ceremony, HRH Princess Lalla Asmae and Dominique Ouattara posed for a souvenir photo.

On their arrival at the Hearing Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Centre, HRH Princess Lalla Asmae and Dominique Ouattara reviewed a section of the Auxiliary Forces that paid the honors, before being greeted by the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Khalid Ait Taleb, the Minister for Solidarity, Social Integration and the Family, Aawatif Hayar, and the Minister for Youth, Culture and Communication, Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid.

HRH Princess Lalla Asmae and the First Lady of Côte d’Ivoire were greeted by the Wali of the Rabat-Salé-Kenitra region, Mohamed Yacoubi, the Director of National Mutual Aid, Khettar El Mojahidi, the president of the Yacoub El Mansour district, Abdelfattah El Aouni, the prefectural delegate of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, Majda Frindy, as well as by the members of the Lalla Asmae Foundation’s board of directors.

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