
Korea-Africa Summit: Lower House Speaker Takes Part in Official Welcome Ceremony Offered by Korean President to Heads of Delegations in Seoul

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The House of Representatives Speaker, Rachid Talbi Alami, who is representing His Majesty King Mohammed VI at the first Korea-Africa Summit, took part, on Monday in Seoul, in the official welcome ceremony offered by the President of the Republic of Korea, Yoon Suk Yeol, in honor of the heads of delegations attending the event.

Talbi El Alami arrived in Seoul on Monday to represent HM King Mohammed VI at the Summit, which is being held on June 4 and 5 in the cities of Seoul and Ilsan.

The Summit, organized under the theme « The Future We Make Together, Shared Growth, Sustainability and Solidarity », aims to discuss ways of developing cooperation between Korea and African states, particularly in the economic, energy and digital fields.

Due to its geopolitical location, Morocco will play a very important role in this Korea-Africa cooperation as a gateway to the African continent, concretizing the Strategic Vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI for efficient and multidimensional South-South cooperation.

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