
Healthcare Workers Demand Government Apology for Repression During « Black Wednesday » March

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Healthcare personnel are demanding an apology from the government for the repression faced during the « Black Wednesday » march in Rabat, marked by violence and forced dispersal by public authorities.

This demand follows a letter from the coordination of the eight health sector unions to the head of government, Aziz Akhannouch, seeking a response to requests rejected during the dialogue session chaired by the Minister of Health and Social Protection, Khalid Ait Taleb, last week.

The determination of health sector workers to obtain an apology was reaffirmed by the National Health Federation (FNS), affiliated with the Moroccan Labor Union (UMT). During its last meeting, this union renewed its condemnation of the repression of the peaceful march and called for the annulment of prosecutions against detained healthcare staff.

Taking a firm tone in response to the government’s threat to use salary deductions against strikers, the union demanded that the strikers’ salaries remain unaffected. They emphasized that these strikes are a consequence of the government’s failure to honor its commitments and disregard for the legitimate demands of healthcare professionals.

The union, one of the most influential with a large membership, reiterated its commitment to implementing the December 29, 2023, protocol agreement and the minutes of the January 26, 2024, meeting, which include 34 points of discussion with the Ministry of Health.

Faced with the Prime Minister’s delay in responding to the points of disagreement raised during their last meeting, the National Health Union requested ratification of all agreements with the ministry and an expedited positive decision on the nine points of disagreement to do justice to the many affected categories of healthcare staff.

The union also insisted on preserving the achievements and status of public servants for all health sector employees, including those working in university hospital centers. They called for a revision of Articles 15, 16, and 17 of Law No. 08.22 and a comprehensive revision of Law No. 09.22 for their establishment.

Regarding the laws governing the work of healthcare staff, the union called for the immediate withdrawal of unilaterally adopted decrees, particularly those relating to the administrative status of employees, and criticized the lack of consideration for amendments proposed by the union movement for balanced representation on the boards of territorial health groups and agencies.

In terms of remuneration, the union insisted on the right of healthcare professionals to a general salary increase proportional to their sacrifices and changes in the sector. They also emphasized the importance of paying the amounts set to increase the professional risk allowance to 1500 dirhams for nurses and health technicians and to 1200 dirhams for administrative and technical staff.

The coordination between health unions, a member of the national union coordination, is deemed crucial by the National Health Union, which calls on its members at all levels to continue to strive for the success of this coordination, despite occasional differences.

The union, committed to national coordination, has shown no signs of retreating from its struggle program, urging healthcare staff to remain mobilized and united to defend the rights and gains of sector workers during this exceptional period.

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