
“Kif Mama Kif Baba” applauds the resolution against digital violence

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It is through a screen that women suffer one of the worst facets of violence. These acts, facilitated by technology, constitute the main challenge for associations defending women’s rights, in this case “Kif mama Kif baba” which recently welcomed the initiative adopted by the Human Rights Council of United Nations against technology-facilitated gender-based violence (GBVFT).

In a press release, the association, known for its committed struggles and its principles of equity, rejoices: “The United Nations Human Rights Council adopted, during its 56th session which was held on 11 July 2024, a significant resolution aimed at combating GBV. This decision, supported by more than 50 countries, marks a crucial step in the fight against new forms of violence amplified by technological means, which affect an increasing number of women, young people and people of diverse gender identities.

The “Kif Mama Kif Baba” association welcomed this initiative, calling it “major progress” in the protection of the rights of women and gender minorities on a global scale. The organization highlighted the importance of this resolution, particularly in a context where online attacks and digital censorship are becoming tools of repression and discrimination.

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