
C-24: Autonomy Initiative, Pragmatic, Logical Solution to Sahara Issue (Jordan)

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The Kingdom of Jordan highly welcomed, in New York, the Moroccan Autonomy initiative for the Sahara, deeming it « the pragmatic, logical and serious solution » to resolve this regional dispute, while affirming its constant commitment to supporting Morocco’s sovereignty.

Speaking at the Annual meeting of the United Nations Committee of 24 (C-24), Jordan representative, Ahmad Samir Habashneh stressed that the Autonomy plan takes into account the specificities of the region, the sovereignty of the Kingdom of Morocco over its territories, as well as its territorial integrity, in line with the UN Charter.

He said that the inauguration by his country of a consulate general in Laayoune confirms Jordan’s constant position in support of Morocco’s territorial integrity and its commitment to work together to find a solution to the Sahara issue in accordance with international legality.

The diplomat also hailed the efforts of the Personal Envoy of the UN Secretary-General for the Sahara, Staffan de Mistura, aimed at relaunching the political process under the supervision of the SG, with a view to reaching a realistic and lasting solution to the Moroccan Sahara issue, in conformity with international law and the relevant Security Council resolutions.

The Jordanian representative also pointed out that his country and Morocco are linked by solid strategic relations, based on continuous cooperation and close coordination at all levels, noting that these are distinguished centuries-old links which represent a model of inter-Arab relations, based on common interests in the service of the development of Arab peoples and causes.

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